National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) ENUGU State Chapter Gets New Chairman | CABLE REPORTERS

New executives have emerged to pilot the affairs of the Enugu State Chapter of the National Association of Nigerian Students NANS.

The new Enugu state chairman, Comrade Emmanuel Ikechukwu who took over from Comr. Romanus Ogene In his first official statement appreciated the Enugu comrade community for their support, he called on students across campuses in Enugu state to rally round and throw their weight behind his administration to achieve its mandate.

Comrade Ikechukwu also called on the governing body of the Institute of Management and Technology to revert the 100% school fees increase of their students, threatening to occupy the institution if they fail to heed to his call.

The full press statement signed by him as obtained by CABLE REPORTERS reads;

Press Statement by the Chairman of NANS, Enugu State, Comr. Ikechukwu Emmanuel on the 19th Day of February, 2022.


Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.

*~Marcus Tulluis Cicero*

It is with great honour that I today address the teeming Students of Enugu State as the Chairman of the Joint Campus Committee of  NANS in Enugu State.

Today is the tomorrow we all dreamt of and hoped for yesterday. Today has birthed a time we once craved for. The time when all Students in Enugu State would look up high, beat their chest and take a huge sigh of relief that at last, the gains of the struggle in Enugu State has been served and will not be eroded.

Enugu State over the years has stood out when it comes to activism and solid representation of the interests of the common students in Nigeria. The State that has continued to open the doorway for the training, equipping and moulding of sagacious minds, courageous personalities and leaders of sound intellect.

On behalf of the newly constituted Executives of NANS in Enugu State, I must seize this opportunity to give thanks to God almighty that have made today possible. I will also seize this medium to appreciate the leadership of NANS ably led by Comr. Sunday Dayo Asefon, the stakeholders of NANS Enugu State, most especially Hon. Chika Nzelu (Chief and Chairman), the immediate past NANS President, Hon. Ilogebe Chidi, Comr. Obinna Achonye (Political Obynoe), Comr. Udochukwu Minister, Comr. Victor Ezenagu, NANS National PRO, Comr. Odera Udutchay, Comr. Obinta Juliet, the Clerk of the Senate, Comr. Ugwuegbe Darlington amongst others.

I would be very wrong if I fail to appreciate the ingenious efforts of the immediate past NANS Chairman in Enugu State,  Comr. Romanus Ogene for the innumerable successes and achievements recorded under his administration; the revival of the Enugu State Students Fitness Project, the advocacy for Youths and Students inclusion in governance, the advocacy for the emancipation of Students welfare in Enugu State, the improvement of the intellectualism of Students through the NANS Virtual Classroom, the NANS Stay Safe Initiative during the Covid-19 lockdown and others too numerous to mention.

We have taken our time to study the ideologies and concepts of the outgoing administration and we promise to eternalize the positive ones while transforming the very not suitable ones.

We shall consider it a mandatory task upon ourselves to ensure the timely delivery of the dividends of Aluta to Nigerian Students.

It is our sincerest hope that Students across campuses in Enugu state will rally round and throw their weight around us because it is going to be an eventful and tasking journey.

On this note, we are calling on the management of IMT to walk the path of honour by reversing completely the 100% increase of School Fees for ND1 Students, of which failure to do, the entire students of Enugu State under the umbrella of NANS will be forced to all relocate and occupy the streets of IMT*

Moving forward, we shall cooperate with administrations/managements that are willing to cooperate with NANS and Nigerian students and oppose those opposed to the welfare and interest of Nigerian Students in Enugu State.

Let it be known that a new sheriff is in town!

Thank you and may God bless us all.

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